Gobble Your Greens. A Reminder from New Choices Farms.
It is our goal to bring Treasure Valley farmers together to offer a broader product offering that allows even the smallest producers to be represented at market. We are interested in those that grow their produce organically/naturally. We would like to offer food boxes/CSAs in order to provide customers a better selection from a group of dedicated farms that are not ready to go big agriculture.
Over 10 Local Growers
We’re always looking at cutting down the miles that food travels and adding to the number of farms and orchards we can rely on for quality local produce.
100% Organic / Naturally Grown
Not certified yet? We are more interested in your practices than your certifications. Let’s setup a farm visit and talk about how we can put this together to get your produce to market or add to your already existing offerings at your current market. Let’s see if your next year can’t be better for all of this.
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Recipes & Resources
Want some ideas on what to do with your fresh food? Check here for some ideas to get you started. We will be adding more recipes as the season progresses.
This is also a good place to check out more information on the folks we are partnering with.
Shop Online Today!
We’re always ready to meet a new friend to enjoy what we bring to the marketplace. Give online ordering a try by buying ahead of time and then come to see us at the market to pick it up! We look forward to meeting you.
We never forget the mission behind the farm to provide quality food to those less fortunate.
-Pastor Rick Dorey, New Choices Farms